Hilda Gregory Bursary Fund

Hilda Gregory Bursary Fund


Trained at the University of Manchester, Hilda Gregory immigrated to Canada and founded the Vancouver Oral Centre for Deaf Children, now known as Children’s Hearing and Speech Centre of BC. The school’s principal for 33 years, she began with eight three-year-olds in a trailer annex to Sunnyhill Hospital. Today, the school’s curricula and methodologies are utilized throughout the continent.

In 1999, upon her retirement from the Centre, The Hilda Gregory Bursary Fund was established to provide tuition assistance to families in financial need.

The principle of the fund is managed by the Vancouver Foundation and annual bursaries are allocated from the interest earned. Children’s Hearing & Speech Centre of BC accepts donations specifically designated to this fund.

Thank you to the individuals who continue to support this endeavour.

CLICK HERE to support this fund!

For more information  please contact development@childrenshearing.ca or 604-437-0255.